UnderU X Korner present Bok Bok (Night Slugs / UK)


UnderU X Korner present Bok Bok (Night Slugs / UK)

w/ DJs
Sonia Calico
Shi Yu Sun

地點 Venue:Korner 牆角
日期 Date:2015.9.18 (Friday)
時間 Door Open:23:30
預售票 Advanced ticket:$550 w/ 1 drink
現場票 Door:$650 w/ 1 drink
電話 Tel : (02)2930-0162



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18歲以下禁止進入 請攜帶身分證

UnderU這次與Korner聯手一起邀請到了舞曲廠牌中的怪咖 Night Slugs主理人Bok Bok來台北,一直熱愛新鮮有趣的變種曲風、總是把UK Bass夾帶進去Future Beat,把Old School Rave混搭Hip-Hop的我們,已經迫不急待這場趴體的來臨啦,同場演出除了會有我們的Cat Captain Sonia Calico、觀眾票選人氣王Shi Yu Sun以外,這次還特別找來UnderU好久不見的好夥伴/ UK music 職人 Sylvain aka DiSCOATTACK來回鍋參戰,準備用最難以捉摸最fresh的tunes轟炸大家,千萬不能錯過!!

UnderU has always held a deep interest in cross genre and mutant sounds. From London underground music to west coast future bass, we're always on the lookout for fresh new music to excite the scene. On September 18th, Bok Bok, the cutting edge director of club music label Night Slugs will be playing at the Korner in Taipei for the first time. Mark your calendars, this is an event you do not want to miss out on!

Bok Bok (UK/ Night Slugs)
本名Alex Sushon的Bok Bok是倫敦廠牌Night Slugs的主理人之一,在2004年開始投入DJ的他,深受當時倫敦underground一片grime音樂風潮的影響,演出set總是散發出一股難以忽視的粗獷能量。除了早期的grime,他也受到各地club music的啟發,開始專研不同地區不同時空的音樂;從Chicago house到南非舞曲、Techno的影響不用說,其他還包括Baltimore/Jersey/Philly Club以及80’s Funk等等,他將這些不一樣的音樂元素與從小聽到大的倫敦電子樂一起拼湊思考,打破框架發展出了屬於他自己的獨特風格。
2008年與同樣有著一樣前衛思維的producer/ DJ L-Vis 1990結隊組成Night Slugs,開始在辦倫敦南區舉辦派對,Night Slugs打從一開始就秉持著一個開放,不去侷限曲風,不打算跟隨潮流的精神開拓讓人耳目一新的音樂風格,逐漸的形成自成一格的community,吸引著世界各地有著同樣前衛品味的製作人加入。
Night Slugs在2010年正式成立為音樂廠牌,著作人像Mosca, Jam City以及Girl Unit都有在底下發行過的當時UK funky / post dubstep經典曲目,隨著版圖的拓展提供了一個多樣性國際化的平台,啟發像Kindom, Egyptrixx還有Lil Silva等等製作人的加入。Night Slugs的音樂曲風也許變化多端,卻都有一個特別的感覺,帶著濃濃的UK soundsystems的色彩,可以追朔到Bok Bok他對grime以及UK rave音樂的熱愛,如今廠牌的發行以品質與創新著稱,受到全球另類電子舞曲信仰者的追隨。
Bok Bok的曲風很難定義,從早期帶著grime色彩後UK funky時代的Southside EP,到前幾年與來自荷蘭的Tom Trago合作發行帶著冷冷techno味但bass力道十足的Tool Kit EP。去年也發行了久違的個人EP “Your Charizmatic Self’,其中一首單曲“Melba’s Call” 找來了女歌手Kelela來演唱,音樂本身張力以及其MV的突破性都引起各界的迴響,今年Bok Bok帶著他著他與新銳製作人Sweyn Jupiter一起合作的新 EP ”Papaya Lipgloss” 再出發,新曲帶著一股神秘優雅的風情,踩著類B-more的節奏,讓人不自覺搖擺身體。Bok Bok的作品一直不斷在嘗試新的東西,每次都帶來前所未見的獨特聲響,他的DJ set擅長融合各種曲風,經典與前衛拿捏得宜,強而有力的控制舞池,大家一定要穿著好跳的鞋子親身來感受一下了 ♥

Bok Bok

Bok Bok (UK/ Night Slugs)

Bok Bok aka Alex Sushon is a London based DJ, producer and director of the incendiary Night Slugs record label.
DJing since 2004, Sushon started to make his name on London’s underground scene around the time Grime music was first emerging from the capitol’s tower blocks. The unique inventiveness and raw energy of that music has remained with Sushon ever since those early days, as he discovered the wider world of club music, seeing many parallels between the homegrown music of London and House music from Chicago to South Africa, Techno, Baltimore/Jersey/Philly Club, 80s funk and a myriad other music styles across many eras.
This pan-genre, time-irreverent mentality was the foundation of the Night Slugs movement. In 2008 Sushon would join forces with like-minded producer and DJ L-Vis 1990 to form Night Slugs (NS), initially a club night in South London. From day 1 the ethos was fiercely open-minded and DIY, as Bok and L-Vis dedicated themselves to club music. Through the events series and their DJ sets around the UK and Europe, the duo cultivated a unique sound, cross-pollinating ideas from their various influences until a distinct community of producers crystallised around them.
In 2010 Night Slugs re-launched as a record label. Since then NS has been a non-stop source of ambitious, cutting-edge music for the club, launching the careers of artists such as Mosca, Jam City and Girl Unit and providing a context-rich platform for like-minded producers such as Kingdom, Egyptrixx and Lil Silva. The label’s sound may be diverse but it’s FEEL is distinctive, injecting the crews diverse influences back into the UK soundsystem heritage that inspired Sushon way back in his early days as a Grime DJ and FWD>> raver. In the process, Night Slugs has become a truly cult label, with a reputation for quality and innovation rivalled by few others and with a fan base as globally spread as Bok and L-Vis’ inspirations.
In May 2011, Bok Bok released the ‘Southside’ EP on Nightslugs. The EP featured 5 instrumental tracks, including the break out club track ‘Silo Pass’ and in October 2013 his productions featured on the mixtape ‘Cut 4 Me’ released by sister LA label Fade To Mind with vocalist Kelela.
Bok Bok collaborated with Dutch producer Tom Trago on the Night Voyage Tool Kit EP released by Sound Pellegrino in 2011 and more recently the duo have founded the label Night Voyage to put out their collaborations. ‘Get Me Want You Want’ was released in Dec 2013 and the latest instalment ‘Pussy Track / Silent G Safari’ was released in January 2014.
In May 2014 Bok Bok released his first solo material in 3 years in the form of the ‘Your Charizmatic Self’ EP. The lead single ‘Melba’s Call’ featured Kelela and a ground breaking video born out of Night Slugs unique aesthetic.
He has toured extensively in the US, Australia, Asia and Europe – this year celebrating Night Slugs’ 6th Birthday with events in London, Paris, New York, Barcelona, LA and Tokyo.

Bok Bok

UnderU X Korner pres. Bok Bok (Night Slugs/ UK)
演出 SHI YU SUN, Sonia, Sylvain, Bok Bok
票價 *現場票 (附一杯酒 w/ one free drink):650元、*預售票 (附一杯酒 w/ one free drink):550元
主辦 KORNER, UnderU


*18歲以下禁止進入 請攜帶身分證






票種 販售時間 售價

2015/09/02 11:00(+0800) ~ 2015/09/17 23:59(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$550